
How do I show list items stacked on each other without bullet points? This Fiddle will clear things up: http://jsfiddle.net/obliviga/6vu5q/1/

So when the user hovers over "About Us", the links that appear should be stacked on top of each other without bullet points, rather than be strewn across with bullet points.

I tried using list-style: none;, but it didn't seem to work.

도움이 되었습니까?


try to put display:block for li tags then you can see the list as top of each other,

And you have a special character &#9900 in your list's text

<li><a href="#">&nbsp;&#9900;&nbsp;History</a>

so remove it (if you dont want to see that as bullet point)

heres the updated fiddle

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