
When I run this SQL code I get the following error message:

Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 17
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery 
is not introduced with EXISTS.

What I want is whenever anything is returned from my update query which has the same AgreementNo, ElementStartDate and DateSeqNo, it updates one of those duplicate records with an ElementStartDate of + 1 which will remove the duplicate.

Update [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]  
SET ElementStartDate = ElementStartDate + 1  
WHERE AgreementNo IN   
        count(*) as [Count],
        getdate() as Today  
     FROM [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]   
     GROUP BY  
     HAVING COUNT(*) = 2) 
도움이 되었습니까?


Assign row numbers in partitions of AgreementNo, ElementStartDate, DateSeqNo and update those rows where the row number is greater than 1:

WITH ranked AS (
    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY AgreementNo, ElementStartDate, DateSeqNo
                                ORDER BY (SELECT 1))  -- actual order probably
                                                      -- doesn't matter here
  FROM WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial.dbo.tblARM_OmegaSource
UPDATE ranked
SET ElementStartDate = ElementStartDate + rn - 1
WHERE rn > 1

This method can handle cases with more than two duplicates in a group, although, of course, with very many duplicates it may start producing new ones instead.

다른 팁

The Sub query returning more than one column. You can't compare More than one column using in Operator.

Try below query:

Update [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]  
SET ElementStartDate = ElementStartDate + 1  
WHERE AgreementNo IN   
 ( SELECT [AgreementNo] 
   FROM [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]   
   GROUP BY  [AgreementNo] -- OR [AgreementNo],[ElementStartDate],[DateSeqNo]
   HAVING COUNT(*) = 2) 

Maybe try this:

Update [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]  
SET ElementStartDate = ElementStartDate + 1  
WHERE AgreementNo IN   
  FROM [WASP_Mart_EmbassyActuarial].[dbo].[tblARM_OmegaSource]   
  HAVING COUNT(*) = 2)
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