
I am working on automatic deployment + azure. I'm at the point where i'm adding an ssl cert to the website. Does anyone know how to use PowerShell to upload an SSL certificate to a website using the PowerShell command (Add - Get - Set based commands)? I'm able to add a certificate to a cloud service using ...

New-AzureService $Program -Location 'East US'
Add-AzureCertificate -Password Cert123! -ServiceName $Program -CertToDeploy $CertLocation

but I have no idea how to add it to an azure website.


edit: I've found a way using the following command, but i'm not wanting to install additional libraries on my production deployment machine.

azure site cert add -k Cert123! $CertLocation $Program
도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

As far as I know the Azure PowerShell cmdlets do not offer this capability at the moment that I could find. As you point out the Cross Platform Command Line tool does. Since you don't want to add the XPlat-CLI tool to your deployment machines you can use what the XPlat-CLI tool does under the hood: a direct call against the REST api for web site management.

Note you'll need to figure out what webspace the site resides in, etc. You can use the Invoke-WebRequest to make this call so that you can verify you get that 200 response back. Or you could use the Invoke-RESTMethod as well, but that would only return an XML document (the contents of the response). The Invoke-WebRequest provides you a little more control and access to the full response object.

The Microsoft Azure Management Libraries (which the PowerShell cmdlets sit on top of) has a Web Site Management piece to it. One of the operations is an update to a site and that includes a WebSiteUpdateParameters object with a SSLCertificates property. You may check into that as well, though I've not done this myself.

다른 팁

Using the newly released Azure PowerShell v. 1.1.0, you can use the following command to upload a certificate to your website

New-AzureRmWebAppSSLBinding -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -WebAppName mytestapp -CertificateFilePath PathToPfxFile -CertificatePassword PlainTextPwd -Name www.contoso.com

More information is in the following article https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-web-app-powerhell-ssl-binding/

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