
I try to follow this instruction, and after all is done, I am gettin this error when using prepros to compile the scss file.

Gem::LoadError on line ["1638"] of C: Unable to activate susy-2.1.1, because sass-3.2.19 conflicts with sass (~> 3.3.0)
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace

Please help me solve this problem.

도움이 되었습니까?


First of all, sorry for my bad in English.

I found out my answer is just go to the Ruby installation directory, my own is:


And I found something like this.


Sorry because I don't enough reputation. I delete the susy-2.0.0.rc.1 folder. And pick an older version of susy.

Go to this link to get the Susy version you want to install it in Ruby. And I choose randomly the version using command

gem install susy -v 1.0.2

I get this errors

error screen.scss (Line 12 of _susy.scss: Undefined mixin 'with-only-support-for'.) overwrite css/screen.css

And several errors like this link


And all of this errors start from the version of Susy.

Finally, I choose the version susy -v 1.0.9. And it work for me.

You can use the command in Ruby command line to check all of gems version

gem list

And this is my list infor: C:\Windows\System32>gem list


bigdecimal (1.1.0) chunky_png (1.3.0) compass (0.12.5) fssm (0.2.10) io-console (0.3) json (1.5.5) minitest (2.5.1) rake ( rdoc (3.9.5) sass (3.3.4, 3.2.19) sassy-buttons (0.2.6) susy (2.1.1, 2.0.0.rc.1, 2.0.0.alpha.4, 1.0.9, 1.0.2)

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