
I am supposed to measure in app events in my iOS app using Mobile App Tracking SDK (MAT). I downloaded and integrated the SDK and created my mobile app in the MAT main page. I got a tracking link for the app and it works. I got a few predefined events with in the profile as well.

I created a test profile using (https://developers.mobileapptracking.com/creating-test-profile/) and tried testing the app using (https://developers.mobileapptracking.com/testing-mobile-app/), but the test profile doesn't seem connected to my mobile app in the MAT profile page.

Now, what I really want to do is measure some custom inApp events such as 'Signup', 'Signin' etc. I have searched allot and experimented with the events but I cant seem to find a useful link as to what I need to do to get my custom events. I know there is some crucial connection between MAT profile and my app that I'm missing. Do i register these events on the MAT profile? And what exactly is the 'Publisher' tab for?

I am sorry if these questions sound very lame, I am a newbie and this is the first time I'm integrating such an SDK and the over all process seems very complicated. Any kind of help will be highly appreciated!

도움이 되었습니까?


a) Custom events: For using custom events you need firstly create event on the MAT profile (web service). Go to "Mobile Apps" -> Select your app -> Press "Add Event" button. As result you will see new event with unique Event Id. You should use it in iOS project to track this event:

[MobileAppTracker initializeWithMATAdvertiserId:kMATAdvertiserId MATConversionKey:kMATConversionKey];
[MobileAppTracker setAppleAdvertisingIdentifier:[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier]
                     advertisingTrackingEnabled:[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]]; 
[MobileAppTracker measureSession];
[MobileAppTracker measureAction:@"EventId"];

Links to documentation:

b) Publishers: You need use publishers if you use third parties companies for your app marketing. One company or site is one publisher. Then you could you MAT statistics to calculate publisher effectiveness or any other parameters.

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