
I have the following dialog, the password field focus is set when the dialog has focus but this only works when first loaded, I want to set the password field focus when the passwords don't match (i.e. after clicking the OK button and running the SSJS).

    <xe:dialog id="dialogConfirmPassword" title="Confirm Your Password">
    <xe:dialogContent id="dialogConfirmPasswordContent">
        <xp:messages id="messagesConfirmPassword" layout="table" />

        <xp:table style="width:100%" id="tableConfirmPassword">
                    <xp:label value="Password" id="lblPassword"
                        for="confirmPassword" />
                    <xp:inputText id="confirmPassword"

    <xe:dialogButtonBar id="dialogButtonBarConfirmPassword">
        <xp:button value="OK" id="btnConfirmPasswordOk">
            <xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true"

            var confirmPassword:String = getComponent("confirmPassword").getValueAsString();

            if (session.verifyPassword(confirmPassword, HTTPPassword)){ 

                /* RUNS NOTES AGENT */


                return true;

            } else {

                facesContext.addMessage("messagesConfirmPassword", new javax.faces.application.FacesMessage("You have entered an incorrect password, please try again.") );


                return false;

        } catch (e) {
            facesContext.addMessage("messagesConfirmPassword", new javax.faces.application.FacesMessage("ERROR! " + e.toString()) )
            return false;


    <xp:eventHandler event="onFocus" submit="false">


Can I set the password field focus after setting the facesContext.addMessage or another way?

Update: The following output script worked:

        <xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlockConfirmPassword">
        <xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:   if(viewScope.PWDSuccess === null) {
    return "";

var result = "dojo.byId(\"";    
result += getComponent("confirmPassword").getClientId(facesContext);
result += "\").focus();";   

return result;}]]></xp:this.value>
도움이 되었습니까?


A few pointers:

  • Don't go after components like getComponent("confirmPassword") but bind your component to a scope variable, makes better code
  • You can't directly run a Client JavaScript action in your SSJS (where you indicated)
  • Your event handler never works since the XPages ID is different from the clientside ID
  • A outputscript probably can solve your challenge

So modify your code (only essentials here):

<xp:inputText id="confirmPassword" password="true" value="#{viewScope.confirmPWD}">

<xp:button value="OK" id="btnConfirmPasswordOk">
    <xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
                      viewScope.PWDSuccess = session.verifyPassword(viewScope.confirmPWD, HTTPPassword);
                      if (viewScope.PWDSuccess){ 
                         /* RUNS NOTES AGENT */ 
                     } else {
                       facesContext.addMessage("messagesConfirmPassword", new javax.faces.application.FacesMessage("You have entered an incorrect password, please try again.") );

              } catch (e) {
        facesContext.addMessage("messagesConfirmPassword", new javax.faces.application.FacesMessage("ERROR! " + e.toString()) );
        viewScope.PWDSuccess = false;
        return viewScope.PWDSuccess

         <this.value><!CDATA[#{javascript:if(viewScope.PWDSuccess) {return "";};
         var result = "dijit.byId(\"";
         result += getComponent("confirmPassword").getClientId();
         result += "\").focus();";
         return result;

(Typed off my head - will contain errors). Let us know how it goes.

라이센스 : CC-BY-SA ~와 함께 속성
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