Sencha Touch 2, before filter on the router, to check for user's auth state


  •  05-07-2023
  •  | 


I am developing a Sencha Touch 2 app with user authentication.

I use a token for authentication.

The logic.

Check is a token exists in local storage:

var tokenStore = Ext.getStore('TokenStore'),
token = tokenStore.getAt(0).get('token');

If there is a token, check if it's valid. I am doing a read from a model which is connected to my API which, returns success or fail - depending on the token - if it's valid or not.

 TestApp.model.CheckAuthModel.load(1, {
                scope: this,
                success: function(record) {
                  // Here, I know the token is valid

                failure: function() {
                callback: function(record) {

And here is the router, which handles the logic for the views:

Ext.define("TestApp.controller.Router", {

    extend: "",

    config: {

        refs: {
            HomeView: 'HomeView',
            LoginView: 'LoginView',
            ProductsView: 'ProductsView',
            ProductsViewTwo: 'ProductsViewTwo'

        routes: {
            '': 'home',
            'home' : 'home',
            'login' : 'login',
            'products' : 'products',
            'testingtwo' : 'testingtwo'

    home: function () {

        console.log('TestApp.controller.Router home function');

        var initialItem = Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(),
            comp = this.getHomeView();

        if (comp === undefined) comp = Ext.create('TestApp.view.HomeView');

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(comp, {
            type: 'slide',
            listeners: {
                animationend: function() { 

    login: function () {

        var initialItem = Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(),
            comp = this.getLoginView();

        if (comp === undefined) comp = Ext.create('TestApp.view.LoginView');

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(comp, {
            type: 'slide',
            listeners: {
                animationend: function() { 

    products: function () {

        var initialItem = Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(),
            comp = this.getProductsView();

        if (comp === undefined) comp = Ext.create('TestApp.view.ProductsView');

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(comp, {
            type: 'slide',
            listeners: {
                animationend: function(){

    testingtwo: function () {

        var initialItem = Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(),
            comp = this.getProductsViewTwo();

        if (comp === undefined) comp = Ext.create('TestApp.view.ProductsViewTwo');

        Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(comp, {
            type: 'slide',
            listeners: {
                animationend: function(){

    launch: function() {

        console.log('TestApp.controller.Router launch!');

Now, how can I link the router with the check auth model callback?

I want to know the auth state when the app reaches the router.

In other MVC frameworks, I could do a before filter, on the router, check for auth and handle the routes accordingly.

Can i do this in Sencha Touch 2?

Any ideas?

도움이 되었습니까?


Hi I think this section in the documentation is exactly what you need:

before : Object
Provides a mapping of Controller functions to filter functions that are run before them when dispatched to from a route. These are usually used to run pre-processing functions like authentication before a certain function is executed. They are only called when dispatching from a route. Example usage:

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Products', {
    config: {
        before: {
            editProduct: 'authenticate'

        routes: {
            'product/edit/:id': 'editProduct'

    //this is not directly because our before filter is called first
    editProduct: function() {
        //... performs the product editing logic

    //this is run before editProduct
    authenticate: function(action) {
            success: function() {
            failure: function() {
                Ext.Msg.alert('Not Logged In', "You can't do that, you're not logged in");

Of course, it's still up to you to decide whether you should check every time or should cache the auth result for sometime.

Updated to answer comment below Honestly, i am not sure how they was going to declare that static method Authenticate in Sencha (you would be able to do it normally through Javascript i think, i.e.: prototype).

But there are other better options to solve just that Authenticate function:

  • Just create a singleton class that handle utility stuffs.!/api/Ext.Class-cfg-singleton
  • If you really want to use MyApp, you can declare within the (in app.js). Then call it from the global instance I wouldn't exactly recommend this method because you change app.js, that might bring problem if you upgrade sencha touch.

다른 팁

You could implemented auth check in application's launch function or in your auth controller's init function and based on the response redirect the to appropriate url. Something like this:

  TestApp.model.CheckAuthModel.load(1, {
            scope: this,
            success: function(record) {

            failure: function() {
            callback: function(record) {
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