
I'm building up C.I system for my project. My project is managed by Git and has two sub modules. I found that teamcity cannot detect the change of submodule. Is there any way to detect the change of submodule without setting up additional C.I projects?

도움이 되었습니까?


As mentioned by another user in this answer:

You could add a step which will checkout, from the parent repo, if a submodule has any modified file.

As mentioned in that answer, to checkout you could do:

To undo all changes to your submodule just cd into the root directory of your submodule and do git checkout .

For the shorter method you could do git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout.

다른 팁

Does your submodule require authentication? There are number of issues in the tracker that might cause this behaviour: TW-35594, TW-34281, TW-23300, TW-24809

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