
I am struggling with resources. I want to be able to put a nib in my pod. One of the classes uses this nib.

Here is the podspec:

Pod::Spec.new do |s|

  s.name         = "MyCBD_BSManagedDocument"

  s.requires_arc = true
  s.osx.platform   = :osx, '10.7'

  s.subspec 'MyCBD_BSManagedDocument' do |ss|
    ss.source_files = 'Classes/MyCBD_BSManagedDocument/**/*.{h,m}'

  s.subspec 'Auxiliary classes' do |ss|

    ss.subspec 'MyCBDLockManager' do |sss|
      sss.source_files = 'Classes/Auxiliary classes/MyCBDLockManager/**/*.{h,m}'
      sss.resource_bundle = {'MyCBDLockManager' => 'Classes/Auxiliary classes/MyCBDLockManager/MyCBDLockManager.xib'}

    ss.subspec 'MyCBDSafeguardManager' do |sss|
      sss.source_files = 'Classes/Auxiliary classes/MyCBDSafeguardManager/**/*.{h,m}'


Very strangely, in my toy-project to test the pod, it works (I can check the nib is in the mainBundle), but in my real project, the nib is not in the mainBundle, and I have the error

-[MyCBDLockManager loadWindow]: failed to load window nib file 'MyCBDLockManager'.

Any advice on how to include resources with cocoa pods?

도움이 되었습니까?


For some reason, one phase in the build phases was missing. I don't know why, though. So, I had to add this phase again with pod install.

enter image description here

다른 팁

If that phase is missing you should try to run pod install again and make sure you're opening the xcworkspace that is generated. Also you want just resources not resource_bundles for a single xib like that.

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