
By mistake I removed the branch name of a file using TortoiseCVS. I think this can be reproduced using the standard cvs client with this command :

cvs tag -d -B <mybranch> <myfile>

How do I restore it ?

I tried the following things :

  • Add the branch to the last revision
  • Add the branch to the last tag (in my case this is also the last revision)

In either way, a new branch is started and the revision numbering is changed (6 numbers instead of 4). This is not acceptable.

도움이 되었습니까?


Suppose the revision numbering of the file is of the form 1.1.2.x

Then use this command (you don't need to do a checkout beforehand)

cvs rtag -r 1.1.2 <mybranch> <module/path/to/my/file>
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