
I'm trying to setup Jenkins to compile an iOS Xcode project. The xcode project uses CocoaPods. However, I get this error in Jenkins when I attempt a build. All files in the Pods/ directory have full write/read/execute permissions. Any thoughts?

/bin/sh -c /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dripdwqnufuksvhcfgcgxajaahyq/Build/Intermediates/MyApp.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyApp.build/Script-EAAE77068BA044C9B06632CE.sh 

/Users/samy/Work/mobile/iphone/MyApp/Pods/Pods-resources.sh: line 5:     /Users/samy/Work/mobile/iphone/MyApp/Pods/resources-to-copy-MyApp.txt: Permission denied


The following build commands failed:

PhaseScriptExecution Copy\ Pods\ Resources /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dripdwqnufuksvhcfgcgxajaahyq/Build/Intermediates/MyApp.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyApp.build/Script-EAAE77068BA044C9B06632CE.sh

(1 failure)
Build step 'Xcode' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

The only workaround I came across was to move the entire Xcode project to jenkins user directory.

다른 팁

"Full read/write/execute permissions" for whom? Which user? Jenkins usually runs under it's own user, called jenkins

You might want to add a custom build setting PODS_ROOT

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