
I have a url


I want to send json data in that url i.e.


What is the best way to send json data in the url because when I try to send data in this format it gives error

The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

I know there is allowed character configuration in CI but if I allow there will be a security issue. I have tried urlencode and in server side used urldecode but it's not helping either Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


In php rawurlencode function escape the invalid character. For example,

$str = '{"1":{"id":"some_id","xyz":"1","date":"1397287235418","type":"67878"}}';
$str2 = rawurlencode($str);
<a href="/data/<?php echo $str2; ?>">LINK</a>

This shows the url

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