Correct usage of setting a variable (i of for loop) as a class selector in Jade


  •  07-07-2023
  •  | 


I'm trying to make an ordered list with each item having a class as its respective ordinal

  <li class="1">1</li>
  <li class="2">2</li>
  <li class="3">3</li>

By using a for loop in Jade

    - for(var i= 1; i<=8; i++){
    li(class='!{i}') !{i}
    - }

However it isn't working

What needs to be corrected here?

도움이 되었습니까?


The string interpolation syntax is #{variable}, not !{variable}:

li(class='#{i}') !{i}
// or simply
li(class=i) !{i}

Also, when you use !{i} vs #{i} for the content of the li, the former will have HTML entities escaped while the latter will not.

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