
I have been trying to declare a global variable in yii that is a boolean, and have its value changed in different action functions in the controller. Below is an example of what i am trying to achieve.

in .../config/main.php i added the following array: 'params'=>array('login' => 'true',),

in .../protected/controller/testController.php i added the following code:

    class ApiController extends Controller{
public $x = '';

public function actionDisplay(){
$x=Yii::app()->params['login']; //so x now has the value "true"
echo $x; //this display "true" when i run this controller on this function

public function actionDisplay2(){
global $x;
    echo $x; //this for some reason does not contain the value true even if x is global

How can i achieve this without having to assign a value in each function to the global variable? If i call the second function, it throws an error that x is not defined. My plan is to use the global variable the way you do in java e.g.

public class Display{

public String x = " ";

public static void Display(){
x = "True"; //global variable x is assigned the String value "True"

public static void DisplayTwo(){
System.out.print("Value of x is: " + x); //this will print "Value of x is: True"


So basically, this is how i want to use the global variable in Yii framework. Any suggestions how to achieve this please?
도움이 되었습니까?


You can use the class variables to achieve that, here's an example:


class ApiController extends Controller
    public $lang = 'en';

    public function beforeAction($action)
            $this->lang = Yii::app()->session['lang'];
        return parent::beforeAction($action);

    public function afterAction($action,$params)
        Yii::app()->session['lang'] = $this->lang;
        return parent::afterAction($action,$params);

    public function actionDisplay(){
        echo 'In Display action';
        $this->lang = 'test'
        echo $this->lang;

    public function actionDisplay2(){
        echo 'In Display2 action';
        echo $this->lang;

다른 팁

you can make static system variables, here is a guide on that

basicaly in config/main.php you have to add

'params' => array(
    'email'      => 'steve@unixwiz.net',
    'someOption' => true

then you can use it like

$email = Yii::app()->params['email'];

You wrote that you created variable $login = 'false' So 'false' there is a string. And it's not empty string so $login == true. Just change it to

'params'=>array('login' => false),

Update: About this feature, maybe you should to create helper class with static field:

class SomeHelper
     //that field can be changed and used in any place
     public $static $login = false;

Declare the global in index.php.

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