
I use .twig templates on a website however I need to get pretty crafty with the logic on a few of the views. I dont think twig can handle this and its a piece of cake to do in PHP. (I'm not going to explain the details of what that is, just know its easy in PHP and I actually already have the code). The question is, can I include a .PHP template in base or parent templates that are of type .twig?

Example below (which does not work) - blah.html.php is a template which extends the base.html.twig template...


<?php $view->extend('::base.html.twig') ?>

<?php $view['slots']->set('title', 'Welcome to nowhere!') ?>

<?php $view['slots']->start('body') ?>

    <div id="body">
        html stuff here, blah blah blah...
        <?php .... ?>
            complex php and html stuff, and so on...
        </php end....?> 
        you get the idea...

<?php $view['slots']->stop() ?>

On the browser the code above renders all the .twig code in the base template as text in the browser (I.E. it does not get executed by the templating engine).

PS - yes I have both .twig and .php set in app/config/config.yml

templating:      { engines: ['twig', 'php'] }

Ok, here are the details of the "complex" stuff... This is taken from a version of the site which was coded in Symfony 1.4 - Its being upgraded to Symfony 2 and we want to use all .twig

<?php foreach ($all_items as $item): ?>
    <td valign="top">
        //<?php include_partial('global/item', array('item' => $item)) ?>

 <<< some code snipped out here >>>

    <td valign="top">
        <table border="1" width="100%">
        <?php echo $form->renderFormTag('memberitems/additem') ?>
        <?php echo $form['item_id']->render(array('value' => $item->getIid())) ?>
        <?php echo $form['user_id']->render(array('value' => 1)) ?>
        <?php echo $form['_csrf_token'] ?>
                <td width="50" colspan="2" align="center">Quantity<br><?php echo $form['quantity']->render() ?></td>
                <td width="50" colspan="2" align="center">Amount<br><?php echo $form['value']->render() ?></td>
                <td width="50" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Add"></td>

    <<< here is a complex portion, we're declaring a variable with a value >>>
    <<< cant do this with twig - from what I know... >>>

        <?php // determine if item is in registry - if so display "Currently Asking For:" ?>
        <?php $is_in_registry = false; ?>
        <?php foreach($member_items as $m_item): ?>
        <?php   if($m_item->getIid() == $item->getIid()): ?>
        <?php       if($is_in_registry == false): ?>
        <?php           $is_in_registry = true; ?>
                            <td width="50" colspan="6" align="center"><br>Currently Asking For:</td>
        <?php       endif ?>

        <?php echo $form->renderFormTag('memberitems/removeitem') ?>
        <?php echo $form['item_id']->render(array('value' => $item->getIid())) ?>
        <?php echo $form['user_id']->render(array('value' => 1)) ?>
        <?php echo $form['id']->render(array('value' => $m_item->getMIid())) ?>
        <?php echo $form['_csrf_token']->render() ?>

                            <td width="50" colspan="4" align="center">
                                <?php echo $m_item->getMIqty()." @ ".$m_item->getMIval() ?>
                            <td width="50" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Remove"></td>
        <?php   endif ?>
        <?php endforeach ?>
도움이 되었습니까?


Complex logic should really be put in the service layer in Symfony2. The templates should look clean and tidy for all the devs not familiar with PHP (e.g front-end developers).

However, I don't see anything in that template that couldn't be done in Twig. Here's the tricky part written in Twig to prove it:

{% set is_in_registry = false %}
{% for m_item in member_items %}

    {% if m_item.getIid == item.getIid %}
        {% if is_in_registry is false %}
            {% set is_in_registry = true %}
                {# you should use css for styling the td #}
                <td width="50" colspan="6" align="center"><br />Currently asking for:</td>
        {% endif %}

        {{ form.renderFormTag('memberitems/removeitem') }}
        {{ form.item_id.render({ value: item.getIid }) }}
        {{ form.user_id.render({ value: 1 }) }}
        {{ form.id.render({ value: m_item.getMIid }) }}
        {{ form._csrf_token.render }}

            <td width="50" colspan="4" align="center">
                {{ m_item.getMIqty ~ ' @ ' ~ m_item.getMIval }}
            <td width="50" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Remove"></td>
        {# didn't notice your form opening tag. I'm assuming you're dynamically generating it #}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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