
I am trying to deploy my application to openshift, but everytime I try to push it there it switches the java version to 6 even though I have a java7 marker. Cartridges I use:

AS: WildFly Application Server 8.0.0.Final
DB: MongoDB 2.4

The exception on the openshift server is:

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/jboss/as/jmx/PluggableMBeanServerBuilder : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

(I do not have PluggableMBeanServerBuilder in my pom.xml as dependency)

도움이 되었습니까?


Do you have java7 marker file under .openshift/markers directory? Every OpenShift application has a .openshift directory that contains few configuration files. The java7 marker tells OpenShift to use java 7. If this file is not present then OpenShift will fallback to Java 6.

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