
I am new to generator in python. I have a simple enough code which I am playing with but I can not understand the output I am getting out of it. Here is my code :

def do_gen():
    for i in range(3):
        yield i

def incr_gen(y):
    return y + 1

def print_gen(x):
    for i in x:
        print i

x = do_gen()
y = (incr_gen(i) for i in x)

I expected my output to be like this :

0  1  2 
1  2  3

But I am seeing only : 0 1 2

I do not understand this output. Can anyone please help me sort out my lack of understanding? Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


Generators (like all iterables) can only be iterated over once. By the time print_gen(x) is done, so is x. Any further attempts to get new values from x will result in StopIteration being raised.

This works:

x = do_gen()
y = (incr_gen(i) for i in do_gen())

as that creates two separate independent generators. In your version, the generator expression you assigned to y expects x to yield more values.

It is easier to see that the x generator is shared with y when you use the next() function on them in turn:

>>> def do_gen():
...     for i in range(3):
...         yield i
>>> def incr_gen(y):
...     return y + 1
>>> x = do_gen()
>>> y = (incr_gen(i) for i in x)
>>> next(x)  # first value for the range
>>> next(y)  # second value from the range, plus 1
>>> next(x)  # third value from the range
>>> next(y)  # no more values available, generator done
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Note the StopIteration raised by next(y) as well here.

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