
I am stuck using an old svn client 1.4.4. I was able to create a patch using the standard approach of piping to a file:

svn diff > ~/bug_fix.diff

Is there any hope in applying this patch? I see that there is no "svn patch" sub-command in this version.

Would it be possible to use a newer client to apply the patch without breaking compatibility with 1.4.4?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3

cygwin ended up being the solution here for me:

diff -N -x .svn -rup ./original_trunk ./new_trunk > patch.diff

cd to ./original_trunk

patch -p0 < ../patch.diff

original trunk should now have the changes from new trunk.

Hardest part about this is getting the diff and patch utilities installed in cygwin. I installed the patch utility using apt-cyg and diff I found in the cygwin installer.

다른 팁

Is there any hope in applying this patch?

It can be compatible with ordinary OS patch command

Apply subversion diff file by using the patch utility (or patch.exe on windows.)

patch -p0 < ~/bug_fix.diff


patch.exe -p0 < ~/bug_fix.diff
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