
In my web-application I use egotech4 with Smartry-Script in html.

I have some variables named e.g.


but I need to get their values without know the number at the end, this number I can get from an other variable {$item->field.id}

so I tried something like:

{assign var=name value="extra.name`$item->field.id`"}

But it doesn't work, it seems not to find the value of the property extra.nameXYZ of the $page variable.
Sadly I can not use any php-code for this I need to get it working with SMARTY only.

Can anyone help me?

도움이 되었습니까?


I solved my Problem:


{assign var=name value="name`$item->field.id`"}

instad of:

{assign var=name value="extra.name`$item->field.id`"}

and read it out with:


Many thanks goes to Dan Günther from EGOTECH-Support who gave me that hint.

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