
alias-list works with -l username_2

rhc alias-list blog -l username_2


rhc alias-add blog www.somedomain.com -l username_2

doesn't take into account -l username2 it will create alias for username_1 instead

How to add alias to account 2 ?

도움이 되었습니까?


Hmm.. thats strange. There is express.conf file in User home ~/.openshift directory. This file has a property called default_rhlogin. Try changing this property with username_2 and check if this works.

다른 팁

So I just ran into a similar problem and heres what it was for me. For some reason rhc only understood what i was trying to do once I switched to the folder with the app/account I wanted to deal with. Even though I had logged out of the previous account and ran rhc setup for the second account (and included the -l option), it was still looking for the domain of the first account.

So to make it work I had to cd to the folder containing the app I was trying to alias (as well as actually switching to the right account with logout, and setup or -l). After that it worked perfectly for me. Hope this helps.

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