
I tested that query:

SELECT ?comment WHERE {<http://pt.dbpedia.org/resource/Portugal> dcterms:subject ?comment}

at http://pt.dbpedia.org/sparql and I get the correct result:


But I'm using Jena and when I try to do that query with Jena I get no results. That's the way I'm doing the query with Jena:

private String getComment(String uri) {
          RDFNode node;
          String comment = "";

            final String QUERY = 
                    "PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n" +
                    "PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject>\n" +
                    "SELECT ?comment WHERE {" +
                    "<" + uri + "> dcterms:subject ?comment." +

      final String ENDPOINT = "http://pt.dbpedia.org/sparql";
      final ResultSet rs = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService( ENDPOINT, QUERY ).execSelect();

                while( rs.hasNext() ) {
                       QuerySolution querySolution = rs.next();
                       node = querySolution.get("comment");
                       comment = node.toString();

                return comment;

Is there anything wrong? Thank you!

도움이 되었습니까?


The dcterms: prefix has a typo

The dcterms: prefix is incorrect (it has subject at the end). It should be


Use ParameterizedSparqlStrings to avoid injection problems

Also, the way that you're splicing the uri parameter into the query is a bit brittle, and it's subject to injection attacks. E.g., what would happen if uri were the following string?

> <>* <> . <http://example.org/secretData> ?anyProperty ?comment . #

You'd leak information about http://example.org/secretData, since <> <>* <> will always match, and then you'd bind ?comment to all the values of any property of http://example.org/secretData. There's an example of how to do this in this answer to get latitude and longitude of a place dbpedia.

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