
I've hit a roadblock with using GPUImage. I'm trying to apply a filter (SepiaFilter or OpacityFilter) on a prerecorded video. What I'm expecting to see is the video played back with the filter applied to it. I followed the SimpleFileVideoFilter example for my code. What I ended up with is a video that is unplayable by Quicktime (m4v extension) and the live preview of the rendering all skewed. I thought it was my code at first so I ran the example app from the examples directory and lo and behold I got the same issue. Is the library broken? I just refreshed from master out of GitHub.


Here's a sample output of the video generated http://youtu.be/SDb9GfVf9Lc

No matter what filter is applied the resultant video are all similar. (all skewed )

@Brad Larson (I hope you see this message), do you know what I can be doing wrong? I am using the latest XCode and source code of GPUImage. I also tried using the latest from CocoaPods as well. Both end up the same.

도움이 되었습니까?


I assume you're trying to run this example via the Simulator. Movie playback in the Simulator has been broken for as long as I can remember. You need to run this on an actual device to get movie playback to work.

Unfortunately, one of the recent pull requests that I brought in appears to have introduced some crashing bugs even there, and I may need to revert those changes and figure out what went wrong. Even that's not an iOS version thing, it's a particular bug with a recent code addition. I haven't had the time to dig into it and fix it, though.

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