
I have made an app that places a pin on a mapview, and i need to place around 9000pins.

Now when i zoom out it gets sooooooooooo slow. I'm not sure but is there a way to somehow make it faster? It's okay when it's zoomed in a abit, but when I can see more like around 2000-3000 it starts to lag. The more I zoom out the slower it gets.

I'm not sure if there is, maybe I'm coding it wrong. It could be awesome if you guys could fill me in.

The code I'm using to pin with coordinates:

point = [[MKPointAnnotation alloc]init];

newCoord.latitude = [coordinateWidth floatValue];
newCoord.longitude = [coordinateLength floatValue];

point.coordinate = newCoord;
point.title = vejNavn;
point.subtitle = detailText;

[mapView addAnnotation:point]
도움이 되었습니까?



Try Google Maps SDK.

I have tried MapKit and Google Maps SDK, but Google Maps for me is better than MapKit.

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