
I’m trying to get a parameter value from my ActionLink to send it in an ajax call. My script looks like this:

    $("a.studentName").on("click", function () {
        var linkID = this.id;
        var theProp = $("linkID").attr("href");
        alert(linkID + "" + theProp);

            type: "GET",
            url: "/Controller/Action",
            data: { "data": linkID },
            dataType: "html",
            success: function (data) {




              @Ajax.ActionLink(stdFName, "Action", "Controller", new { studentNumber = stdNum }, null, new { @class = "studentName", id = "linkNo" + appendId.ToString() });  @: 

Which renders html that looks like this:

 <a id="linkNo1" class="studentName" href="/Controller/Action?studentNumber=172" data-ajax="true">Gary</a>

I’ve tried testing like this:

        var theProp = $("linkID").attr("href");
        alert(linkID + "" + theProp);

but I am only getting the value of the id not the url parameter value. Can you help me to access the parameter value? Thanks for any help with this one!

도움이 되었습니까?


Looking to your code and the thing you want to be done, I would suggest first to make sure you understand the difference between.


and $("linkID").attr(...)

They are totally different things, until you get them cleared you will not be able to understand how this is fixed. jQuery documentation here might help you a bit.

and as far as the code is concerned, for the easiest fix use the following -

var linkID = this.id;
var theProp = $("#" + linkID).attr("href");
alert(linkID + "" + theProp);


var theProp = $(this).attr("href");
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