
I have a feature file with 3 scenarios for doing some BDD tests on a C# project. Each scenario is demonstrated using a large examples table (about 40 rows). Example tables are the same. Here how the feature file looks like:

Scenario Outline: scenario1
 <stmt set 1>

Scenario Outline: scenario2
 <stmt set 2>

Scenario Outline: scenario3
 <stmt set 3>

I do not like repeating the same examples for each scenario. Is there a way to write the example table once and make scenarios reference it, i.e. something like this:

Scenario Outline: scenario1
 <stmt set 1>
 <ref LargeTable>

Scenario Outline: scenario2
 <stmt set 2>
 <ref LargeTable>

Scenario Outline: scenario3
 <stmt set 3>
 <ref LargeTable>


Is it possible to do so?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

You can use SpecFlow's "background" keyword.

    Given my table looks like
    | .... | .... |

Put this before your scenarios. You can then include the table as you would for any other Given, and it will be available for every scenario in the file.

다른 팁

No, SpecFlow does not support this.
See http://dannorth.net/2008/06/30/let-your-examples-flow/ for some clues as to why the feature is not implemented in BDD frameworks.

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