
I have HTTP Requester add-on for firefox to make HTTPS POST requests. I just don't get why can't I simply copy and paste my HTTPS request URL directly in my browser ? Isn't it the same ? Why do I have to use an add on ?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Because if you just paste your request directly on your browser, you are going to issue a GET HTTP command and not a POST one.

POST are a little bit more complicated to format. You could use a TELNET command to issue a post command like this:

$ telnet YOUR_IP 80


다른 팁

Just use a HTML form to issue a POST request from your browser:

<form action="URL_you_want_to_post_to" method="post">
  <input type="submit" value="Send"></input>

You might also want to look at command line tools like HTTPIE or CURL.

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