
How one can get the following visualization in R (see below): let's consider a simple case of three points.

# Define two vectors
x <- c(12,21,54)
y <- c(2, 7, 11)

# OLS regression
ols <- lm(y ~ x)

# Visualisation
plot(x,y, xlim = c(0,60), ylim =c(0,15))    
abline(ols, col="red")

What I desire is, to draw the vertical distance lines from OLS line (red line) to points. enter image description here

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해결책 3

If you construct a matrix of points, you can use apply to plot the lines like this:

Create a matrix of coordinates:

#   x  x  y          
#1 12 12  2  3.450920
#2 21 21  7  5.153374
#3 54 54 11 11.395706

This can be plotted as:


effectively a for loop running over the rows of the matrix and plotting one line for each row.

다른 팁

You can do this really nicely with ggplot2

y<-3*x + 2 + rnorm(10)
m<-lm(y ~ x)
qplot(x=x, y=y)+geom_line(y=yhat)+
       geom_segment(aes(x=x, xend=x, y=y, yend=yhat, color="error"))+
       labs(title="regression errors", color="series")

enter image description here

There is a much simpler solution:

segments(x, y, x, predict(ols))
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