
I'm trying to make a link work in laravel 4, the link is:

<a href="NieuweTaak">Nieuwe taak</a>

This link will result in


My routing is:

Route::get('NieuweTaak', 'showView@NieuweTaakController');

My controller:

class NieuweProductController extends BaseController{

public function showView()
    return View::make('newTask');


But somehow when i click the link it gives a NotFoundHTTP exception

도움이 되었습니까?


Your class is NieuweProductController, while your rout says NieuweTaakController

I think you should correct it to (or change the class name):

Route::get('NieuweTaak', 'NieuweProductController@showView');

Btw, action goes after the controller name, it's className@method

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