
Using Spring Data REST with JPA in version 2.1.0.

How can I configure the pagination in order to have the page argument starting at index 1 instead of 0 ?

I have tried setting a custom HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver with an mvc:argument-resolvers, but that doesn't work:

      <bean class="org.springframework.data.web.HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver">
          <property name="oneIndexedParameters" value="true"/>

Note that this behaviour is perfectly coherent with the documentation for mvc:argument-resolver that says:

Using this option does not override the built-in support for resolving handler method arguments. To customize the built-in support for argument resolution configure RequestMappingHandlerAdapter directly.

But how can I achieve this ? If possible, in a clean and elegant way ?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3

I use to do it using a customizer, which is something that they keep adding for more and more components with every new version:

public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer pageableResolverCustomizer() {
    return resolver -> resolver.setOneIndexedParameters(true);

You can put this in any @Configuration class, but ideally you should put it (with any other customization) in one that implements RepositoryRestConfigurer.

다른 팁

The easiest way to do so is to subclass RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration and include your class into your configuration:

class CustomRestMvcConfiguration extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {

  public HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver pageableResolver() {

    HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver resolver = super.pageableResolver();
    return resolver;

In your XML configuration, replace:

<bean class="….RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration" />


<bean class="….CustomRestMvcConfiguration" />

or import the custom class instead of the standard one in your JavaConfig file.

I have configured the RequestMappingHandlerAdapter using a BeanPostProcessor, however I believe that's neither clean, nor elegant. That looks more like a hack. There must be a better way ! I'm giving the code below just for reference.

public class RequestMappingHandlerAdapterCustomizer implements BeanPostProcessor {

    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
        if (bean instanceof RequestMappingHandlerAdapter) {
              RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter = (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter)bean;
              List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> customArgumentResolvers = adapter.getCustomArgumentResolvers();
              if(customArgumentResolvers != null) {
                  for(HandlerMethodArgumentResolver customArgumentResolver : customArgumentResolvers) {
                      if(customArgumentResolver instanceof HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver) {
                          HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver hateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver = (HateoasPageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver)customArgumentResolver;
        return bean;

    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
            throws BeansException {
        return bean;


<beans ...>
  <bean class="util.spring.beanpostprocessors.RequestMappingHandlerAdapterCustomizer" />
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