
Is it possible to not use a NavigationController and change views with an animation/segue with a storbyboard. I cant seem to figure out how to accomplish this. I thought it would have been pretty simple but no luck. I just have two views and want to transition without adding a navigationcontroller.

도움이 되었습니까?


Sure, just create the segue and select "modal" in the menu that pops up instead of "push".

When you want to return you do it programmatically with:

    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

다른 팁

T.J. is right about selecting a modal segue, but -dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: is deprecated in iOS 5+.

You should use -dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: instead.

With the advent of iOS 6, you may also be able to use 'unwind actions' for dismissing presented controllers with unwind segues.

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