
What the heck is going on here?

I'm trying to call a function defined on a parent scope's controller through a child directive. For some reason '&' is failing me?

The controller's html:

<div ng-controller="facetCtrl">
        <div facet></div>
        <div facet></div>

The facet directive's html:

<div ng-click="selectFacet($event)" notify="facetGroupSelected(facet)">
    <div>{{ name }}</div>

The controller's coffee:

app = angular.module 'myApp', []

class facetCtrl

  constructor: (@$scope) ->
    @$scope[fn] = @[fn] for fn in [

  facetGroupSelected: (facetGroup) =>

app.controller 'facetCtrl', [

The directive's coffee:

app = angular.module 'myApp'

facetDirective = ->
  replace: true
  restrict: 'A'
  templateUrl: '..path/to/template'
    notify: '&'
  link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
    scope.selectFacet = ($event) ->

app.directive 'facet', [

Somewhere along the line, however, my function arguments are getting dropped. The function call from the directive triggers the parent controller's function, but like I said, the arguments don't make it. Are coffee scopes (__bind.apply, etc) breaking something?

도움이 되었습니까?


When calling notify you need to specify the argument in a slightly different way:

$scope.notify( { facet: 'someFacetGroup' } );
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