
Rails 4 has changed the way assets are fingerprinted (for browser cache busting):

Old Strategy: application.css?12345
Rails 3.2:    application-12345.css and application.css
Rails 4.0:    application-12345.css

While this makes perfect sense, it's a problem if the stylesheets are used by another service (in our case Zendesk). This external site needs the CSS from the Rails app, but it doesn't know the fingerprint (aka: digest).

Is there a way to compile all assets both with and without fingerprint? Or maybe another approach to tackle this?

도움이 되었습니까?


I've written a rake task to get the un-fingerprinted files à la Rails 3.2 back:

namespace :assets do
  desc "Create symlinks without cache busting digest"
  task :create_symlinks_without_digest => :environment do
    Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('public', 'assets', '**', '*')).each do |item|
      if File.file?(item) && item.match(/-[a-f0-9]{32}/)
        FileUtils.ln_s Pathname(item).basename, item.sub(/-[a-f0-9]{32}/, '')
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