
So I am in the process of submitting my first application to iTunes, I went through the entire process, and when I clicked distribute on my archive so that i could submit my app for approval, I got this image saying that a certain amount of things have failed. I fixed all the app icons that were missing (I didn't know that you had to have all of them, but I have them all now).

If possible, could you guys explain what each one means and how to fix it (I'm having a very large problem here since my app is actually part of a school project due in two days).


도움이 되었습니까?


Are you including large files with your application? In the Xcode Supporting Files folder, right-click on each file and select Show in Finder to see the size of each file. Are the biggest files absolutely necessary or a duplicate of another file?

Are there large arrays with several thousand or more elements within your code? Could the data be placed on a server external to your code and read in?

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