
When I create a file called main.scss in the /css directory and run Jekyll, as expected I see a main.css generated in the /_site/css-folder.

If I change the name of this file to main.sass (I prefer SASS syntax to SCSS), then the generated file in /_site/css is main.sass. Should this file not be a .css-file?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I believe this is a bug in Jekyll, specifically Issue #2334, which looks like it's been fixed within the last 24 hours, but may not have made it out into the gem distribution yet.

Given that Jekyll 2 has only just been released, it might be a good idea to check the issues log in the GitHub project first if you find anything that feels buggy. (Github's top search bar will search the issues for a repository as well as the code.)

As Sylvain notes in his answer, this has now been corrected in Jekyll 2.0.3, so an update should fix things for you.

다른 팁

This bug as been corrected in Jekyll 2.0.3, released today.

Use gem update in order to use the last version.

Your bootstrap css/css.sass or scss file MUST have at least an empty yaml front matter :


# your sass code here

And prior to Jekyll 2.2, you may have to set the config parameter indicating your file path :


  # loading path from site root
  # default to _sass
  sass_dir: css
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