
I am encountering a similar situation to XMLHttpRequest status 0 (responseText is empty), but I felt that the difference was strong enough that it deserved it's own question.

So, my HTTPXmlRequest looks like this:

function displayIndicator() {

var loader = new XMLHttpRequest();
loader.onload = displayIndicator(); 
loader.open("get", "/products", true);

and /products when loaded in a browser window, or via

curl http://localhost:3000/cart/indicator;

returns a full fledged html document, (Im using it as a test page for the moment, eventually the end point will change but the correct endpoint behaves the same way).

this page is being served by a node server, so it's using a router and /products should resolve correctly wherever the script is being called from which makes me suspect that it's not the usual cross-domain issue.

Any thoughts?

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You're executing the displayIndicator function and assigning its return value (undefined) to loader.onload, you just need to remove the parenthesis:

loader.onload = displayIndicator;
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