
I have a number of web applications running in a Tomcat instance.

They are fronted by an Apache instance, using mod_proxy.

Each web application is a silo in and of itself, each with its own user credential store and user authentication and authorisation. I want to continue using that.

However, I would like to apply simple password protection at the Apache level - maybe just a single known username/password using Basic Auth - before the requests are forwarded on to the Tomcat instance. Is this possible? and how can this be done?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can do this within the <Location> directive


ProxyPass /mytomcatapp http://localhost:8080/app1

<Location /mytomcatapp>
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Wrapper auth"
  AuthBasicProvider file
  AuthUserFile "/path/to/users.htpasswd"
  Require valid-user

This will give you HTTP Basic Auth when hitting yoursite.com/mytomcatapp

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