
I would like to know the technical term for the following situation, if there is any:

You are developing in a field, where a set of different hardware types (like iPhone5, Galaxy S3) are running different software of the same type (like a browser) and the capabilities of the hardware impact the software capabilities

How can I state this scenario in a short way?

  • The systems are fragmented

  • Developing for heterogenous systems

  • Developing for diversify systems

I am not sure if any of those examples above is an appropriate description. My guts tell me, that there is a specific term for this scenario in the area of IT- and Software-Architecture language.

도움이 되었습니까?


I'd say distributed cross-platform cross-device application.

  • distributed - when the application uses a network
  • cross-platform - when the application is aware of multiple platforms, for example it works on unix and windows as well
  • cross-device - when the application is aware of different hardware types, for example it displays a metro gui by touchscreen and normal webpage by mouse + keyboard
  • cross-browser - when the application runs in a browsers, and it is aware of different browser types, for example it uses CORS by firefox and chrome, but by msie it tries an alternative approach to connect to the server, or displays a fallback
  • heterogeneous system - when you application uses different hardware and software types to achieve its goal, for example it has a php frontend tier and a java backend tier, etc...
  • polyglot - when the application uses multiple programming languages to achieve its goals, for example by polyglot persistence you use nosql and sql databases as well

다른 팁

Would it be suitable in this case to say you're simple developing for different platforms?

Taking this further you might talk about 'stacks', for example a tablet might use the 'MEAN' stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS), the Windows platform might use a .NET stack (ASP MVC, WCF, MSSQL), the Ubuntu platform might use a Java stack etc etc.

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