
I have a very long PHP script adapting multiple images and creating many arrays. At a certain moment I get the Fatal error: Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted error at a very random line:

if (isset($pixels[$x1+1][$y1+1])) return Array($x1+1,$y1+1);

So I know the problem is not really this line. What I want to do is somehow print the amount of memory exhausted already at several places throughout my script, so I can optimize my code to exhaust less and so I can see which code blocks are really memory-intensive. To do so I would need something like:

echo $memorySizeUsed."<br />";

Is there a way to do so, or do I have to dig just randomly?

도움이 되었습니까?


Use memory_get_usage() to monitor memory usage:

echo "memory usage: " . memory_get_usage () . " bytes";
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