
What's the idiomatic way to have associate Class[T]s to List[T]s? Essentially, I want the equivalent of Guava's ClassToInstanceMap, but in a Multimap form.

I am uncertain about how Scala's mutable.Multimap would fit in here.

도움이 되었습니까?


There's nothing in the standard library, but it's quite trivial to implement (using ClassTags instead of Class to simplify the API a bit):

class ClassToInstanceMultiMap private (private val delegate: Map[ClassTag[_], List[_]]) {
  def addInstance[T](x: T)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]) = 
    new ClassToInstanceMultiMap(delegate + (ct -> x))

  def getInstances[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]) = delegate.getOrElse(ct, List.empty).asInstanceOf[List[T]]

  // whatever other methods you want

object ClassToInstanceMultiMap {
  val empty = new ClassToInstanceMultiMap()

// usage
val cimm = ClassToInstanceMultiMap.empty.addInstance(1).addInstance(2).addInstance("a").getInstances[Int]
// returns List(1, 2)

Use TypeTags instead of ClassTags if you want to store instances with the same class and different generic type arguments (e.g. Option[Int] and Option[String]) separately.

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