
I've some ItemizedOverlay adding onto MapView. I'm able to show case the static marker which is been initialized initially. Now say after 5 markers, I need to update the marker of the first or second one precisely, how can I do it? I want to refresh or update the previous markers which is already visible, how to achieve this?

 public class MyItemOverlay extends ItemizedIconOverlay<OverlayItem> {

        public MyItemOverlay(ArrayList<OverlayItem> pList,Drawable marker, ItemizedIconOverlay.OnItemGestureListener<OverlayItem> pOnItemGestureListener, ResourceProxy pResourceProxy) {
            super(pList, marker, pOnItemGestureListener, pResourceProxy);
도움이 되었습니까?


You should hold a list of either Markers related to the MapView in the current context or hold references to the OverlayItem (which may contain marker(s)) inside. This will allow you to access the markers by reference at any point.

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