
We just a complaint from a client for which we did a magento implemantion saying his email form didn't work.

Turns out this was because it was out of memory.

Now i've been reading a lot about this and everything says i need to up my memory limit. We have already asked the hosting company for other issues to do this but they can't. Now since this installation has been working fine for a year without any changes we don't want to switch hosts.

Is there any way we can clear the memory so it runs again??

도움이 되었습니까?


You can set the memory available to PHP using php_value memory_limit in .htaccess. However it sounds like you're on shared hosting which isn't powerful enough for what you're trying to do. It's likely that you'll not be able to up the memory limit using .htaccess too if this is the case.

It's probably time to upgrade your hosting if you're running into issues like this.

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