
I am currently receiving a 500 error message when trying to connect my .NET WPF application to a server running SignalR that is self hosted with OWIN. I have tried setting the EnableDetailedErrors to true in the hub configuration. I have also tried OnIncomingError in the HubPipelineModule. Neither have worked. Any other ideas on how I can see the specific error?

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You can use the IAppBuilder.UseErrorPage() extension method to see exception details instead of a blank 500 response. This method is available via the Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics NuGet package.

Make sure you call UseErrorPage before calling MapSignalR or adding other middleware that may throw an exception.

More information on UseErrorPage can be found in the Add OWIN Diagnostics section of the following article: http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/owin-and-katana/getting-started-with-owin-and-katana

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