
in my new job I'm the developer for the Joomla! CMS. Since it is using PHP I wanted to work with eclipse (like in my apprenticeship) with the latest Keplar build + the PHP Development Tools. To have some revision control I wanted to use the Subversive Plugin so I installed it and the connector.

I got access to the systemfiles via FTP (SSH) so I tried to just add the URL as repository URL but somehow it doesnt work. I used the exact URL e.g. http://www.test.joomla.de and the correct login (using this combination also works fine in filezilla for example) but every try results in:

Get repository folder children operation failed.
svn: Repository moved temporarily to '/'; please relocate
svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/'

Do I have to do anything on serverside to make it work or is it okay the way I tried?

Im sorry for those questions if they are bad, but in my apprenticeship the subversive was only local and was already installed.

Thanks in advance!

도움이 되었습니까?


Administrator failed in the installation in giving me the wrong IP, so I couldnt interact with the server.

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