
 <cfif dir.name IS NOT "Thumbs.db">

This code excludes Thumbs.db from being called in the cfoutput query, but what if I want another file excluded? Not sure how to exclude more than one item though.

Right now have

 <cfset counter = 1 />
 <cfoutput query="dir1">
 <cfif !listfindNoCase( 'Thumbs.db,2. Electric Accounts Tracking Report.xls,1. Electric Accounts Performance Analytics.xls', dir1.name) > 
<a href="/091_AU20100226/020_Cost_Analyses/010_Electric/Flatten_Files/#dir1.name#" target="_blank">
#dir1.name#</a><br /> 
<cfset counter++ /> </cfif> </cfoutput>
도움이 되었습니까?


You can use listFind() or listFindNoCase().

<cfif !listfindNoCase( 'Thumbs.db,otherFile.txt',  dir.name) >
...do stuff...
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