
I am new to unix.

I am trying to move a file from one file system to another in unix. The id which i use is a group id and not owner id. The file is having rw-rw-r-- access. When i try to move the file from one file system to other it says permission denied.

Server : Linux
Source path : /test/input
Destination path : /test/archive
File name : data.txt
Permissions : rw-rw-r--
Owner id : id1
My id : id2
Both id1 and id2 belongs to same group.
When i try to move the file from source to destination it says permission denied.

How to fix this?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3

Sorry silly error from myside.

Previously i have added the owner id to my group so it did not work. Now i have added my id to owner group and it worked.

Thanks for the help!!

다른 팁

You may consider change the ownership of the file, or directly copy it.

Change the ownership of the directory where you are trying to move the file.Using

chown -R <youruserid> /test/archive
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