PHP getting sql result by using for loop (or index number) and not foreach in controller codeigniter


  •  23-07-2023
  •  | 


I have a query that goes like this:

function getnames(){
        $sql = "select * from names where status = '1'";

        $query = $this->db->query($sql);

            return $query->result();
            return null;

This function is already loaded in the new_model.php. I am using CodeIgniter.

Then in the controller, I use a function that returns the query result. I already have this in the controller:

    function getnames(){
    return $this->new_model->getnames();

What I want to do is that instead of using foreach() loop in getting the array result, I want to use something else that will let me use an index number. How can I do this? Please help. Thanks!

도움이 되었습니까?


$index is the number you are looking for.

$name is the value of the $names[$index]

다른 팁

How about using foreach ($names as $index => $name) ?

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