
What is analog of AddFieldTo on FastCube 2 components for Delphi? We've used the following code before:

TfcxSlice.AddFieldTo(FieldName, Caption, rf_CapXAx);

The problem is caused by the new TfcxCommonFieldsOfRegion class:

  procedure Delete(AIndex: TfcxSmallCount);
  function Add(AField: TfcxCommonFieldOfRegion): TfcxSmallCount;
  procedure Insert(AField: TfcxCommonFieldOfRegion; AIndex: TfcxSmallCount);

So, there is no strict way to change TfcxCommonFieldsOfRegion object.

도움이 되었습니까?


The new code:

XAxisContainer.AddDimension(TfcxSliceField, FieldName, Caption);
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