
When I run this :
START "Title" "UnavailabeFileOrPath" & ECHO Something
an error message box appears as :
enter image description here Now cmd does not execute echo something (or rest of the code, if any) until user clicks "OK" or "Close" of message box.

Is there any way to execute rest of the commands/batch file without pressing "OK" or "Close" of error message box?

Note : I don't want to use IF EXIST UnavailableFileOrPath

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

Finally ...

start /b cmd /c start "Title" "UnavailabeFileOrPath" >nul 2>&1 & ECHO Something

This exactly solved my problem.

다른 팁

Try this:

start call start "Title" "UnavailabeFileOrPath" & ECHO Something

This is open another command prompt window and execute the start "Title" "UnavailabeFileOrPath" portion, then process the rest of the command & ECHO Something in the original window.

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