
I am parsing the json .I am checking json array and after that make another object .I just struck in one place.Actually I am checking that if parent have child I add one object in "testCaseList "array that against child .But I need to check if child id have character "not" it should add in this array "commandList" http://jsfiddle.net/tJ7Kq/5/ Here is my input .

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getting out put this

    "a": {
      "commandList": [],
      "testCaseList": []
    "b": {
      "commandList": [],
      "testCaseList": [
          "b-a-1": {
            "commandList": [],
            "testCaseList": []
          "b-b-2": {
            "commandList": [],
            "testCaseList": [
                "b-b-a": {
                  "commandList": [],
                  "testCaseList": []
                "b-b-b": {
                  "commandList": [],
                  "testCaseList": []
    "c-1": {
      "commandList": [],
      "testCaseList": [
          "not-c-a-1": {
            "commandList": [],
            "testCaseList": []
          "not-c-b-2": {
            "commandList": [],
            "testCaseList": []

Expected out put is : [

        "a": {
          "commandList": [],
          "testCaseList": []
        "b": {
          "commandList": [],
          "testCaseList": [
              "b-a-1": {
                "commandList": [],
                "testCaseList": []
              "b-b-2": {
                "commandList": [],
                "testCaseList": [
                    "b-b-a": {
                      "commandList": [],
                      "testCaseList": []
                    "b-b-b": {
                      "commandList": [],
                      "testCaseList": []
        "c-1": {
          "commandList": [
              "not-c-a-1": {
                "commandList": [],
                "testCaseList": []
              "not-c-b-2": {
                "commandList": [],
                "testCaseList": []
          "testCaseList": []
도움이 되었습니까?


This mapItem function will do what you need:

function mapItem(inputItem) {
    var item = {};
    item[inputItem.id] = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(inputItem.id));

    for (k in inputItem.children) {
        if (/^not-/.test(inputItem.children[k].id)) {

    return item;
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