Automatically Open Java App After Finish Install Java JRE from


  •  29-07-2023
  •  | 


I am currently working on java application project. My application need to run on Java Runtime Environment (JRE). I have wrap my jar file into .exe file,

When the user clicked our .exe file, if the user dont have JRE installed in their device(Windows OS computer), they will be direct to java download here. This link will download and install the jre to user computer.

to ease user, my superior instruct me to automatically open our java application after the jre have finish installed into user computer. is it possible, if yes what is the common practice of how to do it.

도움이 되었습니까?


After a while of research, i conclude it is not possible to do that in this current time but instead the best alternative is to let the installer to check for JRE environment before installing our application. User will have to download and install first JRE and only after that they will be allowed to finish the installation. i use advance installer for installation package.

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